Thursday, April 06, 2006

Aye, posting has become so irregular these days.

These past few days, I have been trying to cut down on computer usage, and spend more time with the Lord.

MY daily schedule is as follows:

School till 2pm
Home and rest till 3pm
Sleep till 430pm
Quiet time till 6pm
REading till 7pm
Dinner till 9pm
COmputer till 10plus
Bed 11pm

My colleagues in school say I lead a boring life. Well, I beg to differ! The times I get to spend with God are getting more and more exciting! It just doesn't get better.

It's funny. When I start doing my QT, sometimes, I feel kinda like, 'Oh man, it's routine again...' Yet, when I enter into His presence, He feels near and things start to happen. I hear from Him, I begin praying as He leads. It's really real! I love it!

Anyway, I was talking to my kids and I really wonder if some of them have caught what GOd has been doing in our midst. I really worry. I look at them and I really want to tell them to just abandon it all and follow Jesus!

Alas, life and its attractiveness seeks to pull our attention away from Him. If only they could see the emptiness and vagueness of living a life apart form God.

1 Cor 13:7 "(Love) bears all things, believes all things,hopes all things, endures all things."

Spoke to Gerald while we were running at ECP. He mentioned about looking at the destiny in our youth and not just what they are now. I so agree with him.

I believe. I believe in the destiny God has for all of them. Looking with my eyes of faith.

Tomorrow is the last day of the week. Yes! Finally!

Anyway, sorry for the untidiness of my thought patterns.

I just went out with the Deltas. FYI, that's what we're called when we were in BB (7th Coy). 5 of us, the remnant of the initial 14, met up at Plaza Singh for dinner and a movie. It was a good time of talking and just getting to know how each other have been.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Youth Service this Saturday. There is power when we gather to PRAY!

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