Monday, April 23, 2007


My favourite! Don't ask me why my posts have been about pests. It seems that studying has brought out the creatures of the night...

My tormentor eludes me. That six-legged flying pest with a proboscis that finds it's sweet spot on my succulent flesh is really getting on my nerves. Literally. Argh.

I've sprayed all over the place and I don't think it's dead.

Anyway, I'm really inspired to pray real hard again. So I went to grab my EM Bounds. He sure was an inspiration. If you wanna read up on prayer, go grab his book.

The greatest talent God gave man, is to pray. Because, when prayed with an earnest heart, it wroughts God's promises.

Prayer reaches God's ears, and stays there. No pray, prayed by His children go unheard.

Yeah. Let's keep praying!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Is God Real?

Hmm, stumbled upon this website that's really out to prove God wrong, and to challenged religion in totality.

Is God real? they asked. If He's real, then why do so many suffer? And why didn't He stop the massacre at Virginia Tech?

Hmm, so many questions, humanly, not many answers.

I feel the aching heart of God that cries for the very people He died for. It bleeds everytime they curse Him and reject Him.

I wonder what will happen when we all stand before God one day and God points to the athiest, with tears in His eyes, and says:

"You were wrong. I am real."

The nail-scarred hands. The broken body.

Denial doesn't equal non-existence. Neither does the lack of knowledge of God equal God does not exist.

If God doesn't answer prayers, it doesn't mean He didn't hear them.

If you can't feel Him, it doesn't mean He's not near.

If you suffer, it doesn't mean He doesn't care.

God. Help me understand Your ways.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

House of flying cockroach

Buzz. I turned and I saw the cockroach. Fear was in the air.

My best defense was the can of insecticide. I reached for it immediately. Spam.

Torrents of chemicals came bursting forth from the nozzle.

And still it ran.

It refused to give in, battling against the poison that choked and consumed it. Struggling to find freedom, it escaped into the shadows underneath my bed.

Argh. Had to find it lest it crawls into my ears and lays eggs. ( A story I heard from my mum who heard from her friend that her son wa hearing rattling noises in his eyes, and they turned out to be cockroach nymphs.)

I shifted my bed aside and found it.

Victory was near. I saw it on its back, faced upwards. The toxic was killing it slowly, but surely.

the ordeal was over. I hate cockroaches. They look so big and scary when they fly. yucks.

The victor parades and flaunts his trophy. His prized 'catch'.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Beginning of the End!

Exams, exams! Don't feel like exams.

Hmm, no worries, I've been studying, but I'm kinda relaxed about it. =)

So here's some pictures of my day! =)

We went to China Town market. Food there was ok la.

Then the guys came over my place, in the guise of studying. I DID study. While they whipped up food.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Why oh why?

To quote a few sentences from people I hear,

"Life is so boring, everyday is the same, work, come home, then sleep,"

Is life really so meaningless? Hmm. I don't think so. At least not for me. I have found the secret formula for living a exciting life!! hahas. Ask me how!

No la. Don't know how to explain why, but things have never been better.

It seems age has brought me a certain amount of wisdom. hah.

Life is not boring because : i'm investing my time in eternal things.

And, I've been surrendering my studies to God, which makes living a whole lot simpler!

Wondered why I look so relax in school? becuz God's in control of my life! Just wished my friends would understand how much God does for us...

Why oh why does life seem boring/

Why oh why is life miserable?

If only we allowed God to shift our perspective...

People always say you let God help you, you let God work in you, you let God shift your thinking...

And most of us go, aiyah, heard that so many times from our leaders... doesn't work. Its crap.

Well, I beg to differ. Time to let your faith in God believe that He IS the only way.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Trust His Heart

If you feel life's not going your way,


And Listen.

God Speaks.

"Trust My heart."

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Wednesday Nights

WEdnesday nights are wierd and tiring nights.

Always rushing to complete Accounting Tutorials, and studying for quiz.

Exams are round the corner, and it's giving me the chills.

Well, I've told God that I would honour Him with my life and my time, so I must. =)

Well, it's kinda hard, amidst the reality of stress and fierce competition from all sorts of muggers here at NBS.

But then again, I will not get caught in this rat race!!

Monday, April 02, 2007


Wow. It's been awhile good old faithful blog.

I'm back and still blogging, for those of you people who read blogs when ya're free, for a peek into the lives of others.


Well, two more weeks to exams. And I don't feel a tinge nervous. I'm too tired of school to feel the urgency. Coupled with a renewed passion to put God above all, it sure hasn't been a top priority to mug.

But mug I must, to maintain a decent grade. =)

A recent spate of events have changed my life, drastically.

First of all, there was that momentus Sunday leader's meeting, where God meet me on my knees. Lill shared that this journey wasn't going to be easy. We had to make a choice, to run or to give up. By His grace, I made my decision, and i told God i would run, with His hand and His strength. I would never forget the tears in my eyes and the repeated words, amidst the sobs of, ' I love You Lord, I will run this race."

Then secondly, there was worship encounter. I spend my week in preparation for it. You know, when you gotta such a gigantic task, you'd be fasting and praying... =P

So i did, and my oh my, did God show me things. I could hear His voice clearer. It's true!

Thirdly, there was evaluation after Worship Encounter. I was reminded that I must cherish my chances to serve Him in my calling. I would never forget those words :"Don't wait till you got no more chance to serve, then you regret not fulfilling what God has called you too."

Invest in my gifts, she said. don't waste your time, she challenged. And my heart was engulfed in angst. I needed to go to God. I needed to fulfil what He's called me too.

So I've made up my mind. To pursue Him at all cost.

Today was funny, I tried praying, but ended up being in the 'spirit'. Hah. I was stoning half the time... =P It's the afternoon heat.

Yet, I will press on. Because, He's called, He's enabled, what more must I do. Just obey