Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Psalm.

Oh bless the Lord all my soul.
Let every ounce of energy left be spent on singing a song to You.
Squeeze every muscle in my body to give thanks and shout 'hallelujah'

Sometimes it feels like the last 100m of my 2.4km run during my ippt test.
Sometimes it feels like having just finished two presentations, two quizzes and two reports.
Sometimes it feels like the longest route march I've ever walked.

Why does it feel like I've lost?
Why does it feel like I've been trashed in a match?
Why the feeling of lostlessness or hopelessnes?

Still I lift my eyes to the hills.
I raise my hands to the heavens.
I shout aloud.

I remember my help from above.
I rely on the promises He made.
I return to the Words He spoke.

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