Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jim and his beans

Jim had a bag of beans. They were very special to him.

Nobody knows why Jim was attracted to that bag of beans. His friends couldn't understand. It was told to many that one day, Jim walked pass Uncle Leonard's grocery shop. He looked at the vast array of vegetables, and suddenly, that crumpled, unshapely brown bag of beans caught his attention. The beans were lumpy, but they looked like beans. Jim's eyes litted when he held the beans in his hands. That begin his uncanny attraction to that bag of beans.

One day, Jim brought his beans out with him. And he met a farmer.

The farmer saw his bag of beans and asked him,

"Young man, what are those beans for?"

"I don't know Sir, I just like to keep them." Jim replied politely.

"Well, what use are they to you? Why don't you give them to me, I can plant them in my field and grow them. The beans themselves aren't really valuable unless they grow into nice big vegetables. If you keep them for too long, they might just dry up and die."

"Die? I thought I could keep them forever." Jim was saddened by the news. It never occurred to him that his precious beans would one day be gone. He couldn't let that happened.

"What must I do Sir? I don't want them to die." Jim asked.

"You've got to plant them son. Like I've said, you can give them to me and I'll plant them in my garden and I'll take care of your beans for you." the farmer smiled.

"I'll let you in on a little secret. If you give me those beans, I promise you I will get you a bigger bag the next time you come and see me. I stay just down the road."

Jim thought about it. It was difficult. His precious bag of beans. They were his pride, his joy, his security and comfort.

But Jim knew he had to do it. If not, his beans would rot and perish. He had to give it to the farmer, for only he knew how to grow and preserver his beans.

Jim raised his bag of beans to the farmer.

" Here you go Sir, you know what's best." Jim sighed. He had to part with the beans. It was time to let go.

It wasn't long before Jim met the farmer again. This time the farmer held a familar looking brown sack in his hands. Jim couldn't believe his eyes! The bag was bigger than before! And the beans were nice and smooth!

"Here you go son, as I had promised.' the farmer smiled, proud of himself. "Look, tell you what, when you want, you can always pop by and pick up some beans. See that green field over there? Yeap, those are all from your beans."

Jim smiled. He was glad he gave his beans to the farmer.

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