Thursday, March 01, 2007

The pursuit of Happyness

Today, some of me pals and I went to catch the movie.

It's funny how they mention that happiness will always remain as a pursuit.

Even as I think about the Christian journey, it's not always been happy and cheery all through summer. I've had my patchy moments.

The elusive, perfect life we all so eagerly long for. It always seems when we feel really down that we start wishing for better stuff. You feel me?

Wish you had not done this, wish you were this other person. Wish ya were in another church. Wish ya had different leaders. Wish your leaders were nicer. Etc, etc, this list goes on and on and on.

Before I continue, happiness is a state of freedom, to smile and to just feel comfortable. It also involves a feeling of satisfaction. It makes you feel good. May not be about yourself.

I ask myself, what do I really want? What makes me happy?

Well, food makes me happy. But only for a moment.

The only thing that really lasts, for me, is when I've lead a good worship session, or someone from the lifegroup comes up and says thanks to me. Now those moments REALLy make me happy.

The other thing that makes me really happy, is when I know I am right with God. That's a real sense of happiness. More of freedom.

Well, I guess I'm really happy when I do God's will. Really.

My friend said at starbucks that happiness is really up to the individual to define. Well, I'm not too sure about that. Some things make us happy for a day, others for a month. But nothing every really lasts. You see, we were all made with one purpose, to love God. Until we do it, we can never be really happy.

I guess God knew and still knows better. Honestly, having tasted it, I tend to side Him. =)

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