Saturday, February 17, 2007

Run, and don't look back.

Well, read Samuel's testimony on POWER M&M's blog. And I felt kinda reminded of a few things I'd like to place on virtual memory.

Choices and paths, two things I would like to talk about in this entry. I still remember the times when I would stand at the altar and tell God I give my life to Him. Only to falter and fall so many times.

I still remember the tears streaming down my eyes, the deep angst and emotion. And that burning desire to lay all down for Him.

Today I sit here and I ask myself, have I truly given my life to Him? I look back at the times I have said yes to Him, but I realise now that I've not truly given it to Him. Sigh.

At this very moment, my faith and passion waiver and I think I've sort of lost it.

Time has allowed me to put on fronts pretty easily. It's kinda easy to come on Saturday and just put on a show.

Yet time has also solidified my relationship with Jesus and my thinking, perceptions, ideals about life's journey.

I really want to make it to the end. No matter the cost, and no matter how much time I take. Obstacles will always be obstacles, they will only be there for that specific point of the race. I just gotta keep running and jumping over them.

Desire is one thing, it must lead to action. And that's what I aim to achieve as I trudge on.

Lord, I must make it to the end, theres nothing else that's worth it.

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