Friday, October 28, 2005

Intense Intercession!

Yet another entry in my spartan blog.

Anyway, it has been a slack week in army. Didn't really accomplish much throughout the entire week. However, I discovered this new puzzle called "Sodoku". I think that's how it's spelt. Anyway, this puzzle has kept me hooked on it. I can't seem to let it go till I manage to break the puzzle. I overlooked one of the rules the first time I did it. The second time, I almost lost my head. Not because it was tough, I made a big mistake in the very beginning which led to my downfall.. Painstaking effort all gone down the drain.

Just finished supper at Geylang - ate beef hor fun and you tiao with tau hway. Good stuff man. Before that, we (Tan bros and me) gathered at N.E.L. aka Daryl's place to pray for service tomorrow. Boy, it sure was an exciting time. Felt GOd telling me that my heart was really hardened. Anyway, the word for us - one of it at least - was to perservere. God showed me a picture of a bowl. That as we pray, the bowl will break and God's rain wil fall. Gerald also saw the a picture similar to this. We prayed. It was intercession and travail alright. However, we all felt that we weren't hitting the heavens. It was as if there was a ceiling over our prayers. Guess we just have to perservere!

Anyway, in such moments of sensitivity to His leading, I told myself that in the week to come, I would really seek His face and not anything else. God has been challenging me to really walk with Him.

It is going to be exciting! Even though most of my friend aren't coming, I will press on!! In His time..He makes it all beautiful!

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